Unlock the depths of Judaism with our new self-paced course 'Out of Egypt': Design Your Authentic Jewish Life

Tried mainstream Jewish education but felt disconnected? It may have lacked relevance.

Have you often wanted to learn more about Jewish theology/belief, ritual, prayer, rabbinic texts like the Babylonian Talmud and Midrash, Jewish denominations and communities, the lifecycle, and Judaism's many vibrant holidays? Are you looking for a practical course that teaches you about the many facets of Judaism, and helps you to integrate the ones that are most meaningful to you into your life, without judgment? If so, JewishPaths™ is set to launch the online, self-paced course Out of Egypt: Design Your Authentic Jewish Life, where you'll learn all of this and more, and be connected to an online community of learners like you.

Sign up to our mailing list now to be notified when this course is ready for launch, and to receive news about JewishPaths™ programming.

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Sign up to the JewishPaths™ mailing list to receive launch notifications, and details about a special offer for the first 36 student sign-ups to Out of Egypt: Design Your Authentic Jewish Life! By signing up, you will also receive a free gift--a downloadable poster containing the Jewish morning prayer of thanks, the Modeh Ani.

This course is for educational purposes only. Materials are intended to introduce learners to the key areas of Jewish life, belief, and ritual. No guarantee is made of specific benefits. The course is not intended to replace Jewish legal (halakhic) advice. Course material is subject to change over time.

Personal Relevance

Our course is tailored to your unique Jewish journey, making learning more meaningful and grounded in your life in an individualized way.

Authentic Connection

We help you develop and foster a deep connection to Judaism and the Jewish people.

Empowered Learning

Our course empowers you to take charge of your Jewish learning and growth--to learn how to learn!